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CenDel Community Building Tenants
CenDel Foundation - Suite 1C
The CenDel Foundation is a charitable organization committed to fostering both short-term and long-term Charitable giving and improving the quality of life for residents in Kent County.
The Green Beret Project (GBP) is a Delaware-based non-profit organization established in 2016 with a core mission: to combat violence, crime, and hopelessness in our communities, especially within inner-city areas. GBP acknowledges the critical role of early mentorship and support and is committed to empowering underprivileged youth and their families who confront daily challenges. Through initiatives focused on workforce development, fostering healthy lifestyles, academic assistance, and imparting essential life skills, GBP seeks to make a tangible difference in the lives of those it serves.
The mission of the HELP Initiative is to identify energy-efficient measures that reduce energy consumption and qualify for recognition in a statewide energy-saving database.
Communities in Schools: Delaware - Suite 2A-C-D
Communities In Schools' mission is to envelop students in a network of support, empowering them to persist in school and succeed in life.
Downtown Dover Partnership - Suite 2B
The Downtown Dover Partnership is a non-profit organization devoted to revitalizing the Downtown Dover District. Collaborating closely with the National Trust for Historic Preservation's National Main Street Center and Delaware Main Street Initiative, the Downtown Dover Partnership develops diverse programs aimed at enhancing our downtown district.
Delaware Parents Association - Suite 3A-B
The mission of the Delaware Parents Association is to assist parents in constructing stronger families.


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101 West Loockerman St
Suite 2C
Dover, DE 19904



Types of Funds
Cendel Funds
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Board of Directors
Community Building